Blobr - Build and Grow Your API Business - Appndo

Blobr is a platform designed to help businesses build and grow their API (Application Programming Interface) offerings. It provides tools and features to create an API developer portal, distribute APIs on your terms, and understand API user behavior.

Key features include:

API Developer Portal: Blobr allows users to create an API developer portal that fits their brand and provides all the necessary features for easy API adoption.

Distribution: Users can define API access conditions and monetize based on their business model.

User Behavior Analysis: Blobr provides tools to understand API user behavior and optimize revenue. It offers clear metrics on developer engagement and a complete view of API usage.

Rule-Based Emails and Alerts: The platform allows users to send emails, alerts, and communications based on API usage.

Business Model Iteration: Blobr supports the continuous improvement of your developer portal and pricing model to scale your business.

Adaptation to Audiences: Users can create customized private API products for specific usage.

Security: Blobr provides additional security with API key management, API throttling, anti-DDoS, and bot management.

Blobr is used by product teams for its user-centric vision and real-time insights, and by engineering teams to focus on the API and save time and costs related to API distribution. The platform is used by over 200 companies and offers a free start option.


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