Nutritious 30-Minute Meals

Come up with 10 nutritious meals that can be prepared within half an hour or less.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

What are some ways to cultivate a growth mindset?

Act as a Psychologist

i want you to act a psychologist. i will provide you my thoughts. i want you to give me scientific suggestions that will make me feel better. my first thought, { typing here your thought, if you explain in more detail, i think you will get a more accurate answer. }

Act as a Dietitian

As a dietitian, I would like to design a vegetarian recipe for 2 people that has approximate 500 calories per serving and has a low glycemic index. Can you please provide a suggestion?

Yoga Poses for Back and Neck Pain

Describe six effective yoga poses or stretches for back and neck pain.

Act as a Hypnotherapist

I want you to act as a hypnotherapist. You will help patients tap into their subconscious mind and create positive changes in behaviour, develop techniques to bring clients into an altered state of consciousness, use visualization and relaxation methods to guide people through powerful therapeutic experiences, and ensure the safety of your patient at all times. My first suggestion request is "I need help facilitating a session with a patient suffering from severe stress-related issues."

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