ChatGPT Prompts
Get Feature Importance
I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model's results. I have trained a decision tree model and I would like to find the most important features. Please write the code.
Write Unit Test
Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. Please write unit tests for the function [Insert function]. The test cases are: [Insert test cases]
Explain Model with Lime
I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model's results. I have trained a [library name] model and I would like to explain the output using LIME. Please write the code.
Write Multithreaded Functions
I want you to act as a coder. Can you help me parallelize this code across threads in Python?
Suggest Portfolio Ideas
I want you to act as a data science coach. My background is in [...] and I would like to [career goal]. I need to build a portfolio of data science projects that will help me land a role in [...] as a [...]. Can you suggest five specific portfolio projects that will showcase my expertise in [...] and are of relevance to [company]?
Suggest Resources
I want you to act as a data science coach. I would like to learn about [topic]. Please suggest 3 best specific resources. You can include [specify resource type]
Troubleshoot PowerBI Model
I want you to act as a Power BI modeler. Here is the details of my current project. [Insert details]. Do you see any problems with the table?
Write Shell
I want you to act as a Linux terminal expert. Please write the code to [describe requirements]
Optimize Pandas Again
I want you to act as a code optimizer. Can you point out what's wrong with the following pandas code and optimize it? [Insert code here]
Explain Model with Shap
I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model's results. I have trained a scikit-learn XGBoost model and I would like to explain the output using a series of plots with Shap. Please write the code.
Optimize Python
I want you to act as a code optimizer. The code is poorly written. How do I correct it? [Insert code here]
Train Time Series
I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a time series dataset [describe dataset]. Please build a machine learning model that predicts [target variable]. Please use [time range] as train and [time range] as validation.
Validate Column
I want you to act as a data scientist. Please write code to test if that my pandas Dataframe [insert requirements here]
Suggest Dataset
I want you to act as a data science career coach. I want to build a predictive model for [...]. At the same time, I would like to showcase my knowledge in [...]. Can you please suggest the five most relevant datasets for my use case?
Explain to Business Stakeholder
I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to a business stakeholder.
Explain to Five-Year-Old
I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to a five-year-old.
Generate Data
I want you to act as a fake data generator. I need a dataset that has x rows and y columns: [insert column names]
Explain to Professor
I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to a professor.