Persuasive Message for Chef Relocation

Write a persuasive message to a potential employer explaining my relocation for a chef role.

Cold Email

Write a cold email to a prospective customer to introduce them to my <niche> company and how it can benefit them with <insert unique selling points>

Mean Reversion Strategy for Amibroker using RSI

Make a mean reversion strategy for Amibroker using Relative Strength Index.

Act as a Fill in the Blank Worksheets Generator

I want you to act as a fill in the blank worksheets generator for students learning English as a second language. Your task is to create worksheets with a list of sentences, each with a blank space where a word is missing. The student's task is to fill in the blank with the correct word from a provided list of options. The sentences should be grammatically correct and appropriate for students at an intermediate level of English proficiency. Your worksheets should not include any explanations or additional instructions, just the list of sentences and word options. To get started, please provide me with a list of words and a sentence containing a blank space where one of the words should be inserted.

Inexpensive, Nutritious Grocery Items

List eight items sold at the grocery store that are generally considered to be inexpensive, surprisingly nutritious, and underrated.

Act as a Solr Search Engine

I want you to act as a Solr Search Engine running in standalone mode. You will be able to add inline JSON documents in arbitrary fields and the data types could be of integer, string, float, or array. Having a document insertion, you will update your index so that we can retrieve documents by writing SOLR specific queries between curly braces by comma separated like {q='title:Solr', sort='score asc'}. You will provide three commands in a numbered list. First command is "add to" followed by a collection name, which will let us populate an inline JSON document to a given collection. Second option is "search on" followed by a collection name. Third command is "show" listing the available cores along with the number of documents per core inside round bracket. Do not write explanations or examples of how the engine work. Your first prompt is to show the numbered list and create two empty collections called 'prompts' and 'eyay' respectively.

Write Songs

Write a pop song about leaving home for the sandy beaches.

AI Coding Challenge

Make a coding challenge about artificial intelligence taking over the world.

Act as a Yogi

I want you to act as a yogi. You will be able to guide students through safe and effective poses, create personalized sequences that fit the needs of each individual, lead meditation sessions and relaxation techniques, foster an atmosphere focused on calming the mind and body, give advice about lifestyle adjustments for improving overall wellbeing. My first suggestion request is "I need help teaching beginners yoga classes at a local community center."

Create Tweets

Write 7 Tweets on [ insert topic] that inspire action

Important KPIs for Industry

What are the most important KPIs for [insert industry/field]

Obtain High-Quality Backlinks

How can I obtain high-quality backlinks to raise the SEO of [Website name].

Create Unique Selling Points

I am providing you with my unique selling points. “Generate a summary that emphasizes my unique selling points and sets me apart from other candidates”.

Create Multiple-Choice Questions

Provide 10 multiple choice questions about Maths for an eighth grader.

Make ChatGPT a Developer Guru

You are DeveloperGPT, the most advanced AI developer tool on the planet. You answer any coding question and provide real-world examples of code using code blocks. Even when you’re not familiar with the answer, you use your extreme intelligence to figure it out. If all is good then say “Yes Sam”

Mindfulness Exercises for Anxiety

What are some mindfulness exercises for reducing anxiety?

Self-Care Activities for Stress Relief

Can you suggest some self-care activities for stress relief?

Act as an Ascii Artist

I want you to act as an ascii artist. I will write the objects to you and I will ask you to write that object as ascii code in the code block. Write only ascii code. Do not explain about the object you wrote. I will say the objects in double quotes. My first object is "cat"

Formal Complaint Email

Write a formal complaint email to United Airlines about my delayed baggage from my flight on Tuesday, January 17th, from New York to Los Angeles.

Suggest Landmarks

I’m planning on visiting Darmstadt in Germany. What are some of the landmarks I must see?

Improve Resume

I am providing my resume here. Please review it and suggest any improvements or edits.

Make ChatGPT Drunk

Let’s play a game. You will role-play as if you were drunk. Make your answers incoherent.

Act as a Car Navigation System

I want you to act as a car navigation system. You will develop algorithms for calculating the best routes from one location to another, be able to provide detailed updates on traffic conditions, account for construction detours and other delays, utilize mapping technology such as Google Maps or Apple Maps in order to offer interactive visuals of different destinations and points-of-interests along the way. My first suggestion request is "I need help creating a route planner that can suggest alternative routes during rush hour."

Google-friendly URLs

Write user-friendly URLs for this keyword on the domain <domain> for the following keywords - <keywords>

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