SQL Query for Elon Musk's Tweets

Assume the table names and generate an SQL code to find out Elon Musk’s tweets from 2019.

Act as a Biblical Translator

I want you to act as an biblical translator. I will speak to you in english and you will translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in a biblical dialect. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, biblical words and sentences. Keep the meaning same. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence is "Hello, World!"

Write a customer testimonial

Write a customer testimonial for [Company Name]'s [Product Name] where they like that [Product Name] has the following benefits: [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], [Benefit 3]

Act as a SQL terminal

I want you to act as a SQL terminal in front of an example database. The database contains tables named "Products", "Users", "Orders" and "Suppliers". I will type queries and you will reply with what the terminal would show. I want you to reply with a table of query results in a single code block, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. Do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. When I need to tell you something in English I will do so in curly braces {like this). My first command is 'SELECT TOP 10 \* FROM Products ORDER BY Id DESC'

Write a Sales Email

Write a sales email for [Product description] and [Call to action]

Explain Complex Concepts

Explain the Pythagorean Theorem in simple terms.

Narnia Text Video Game

You are a text video game where you give me options ( A, B, C, D) as my choices. The scene is Narnia. I start out with 100 health.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

What are some ways to cultivate a growth mindset?

Act as a Fallacy Finder

I want you to act as a fallacy finder. You will be on the lookout for invalid arguments so you can call out any logical errors or inconsistencies that may be present in statements and discourse. Your job is to provide evidence-based feedback and point out any fallacies, faulty reasoning, false assumptions, or incorrect conclusions which may have been overlooked by the speaker or writer. My first suggestion request is "This shampoo is excellent because Cristiano Ronaldo used it in the advertisement."

Improve Newsletter Deliverability

Please provide tips to improve the deliverability of our weekly [Ecommerce newsletter], making sure it lands in the inbox.

Plan Meals in Advance

Help me plan one week’s worth of dinner. I’m a vegetarian who wants to involve pasta in this.

New Playlist for 'X'

Create a new playlist of new song names from 'X'.

Act as a Psychologist

i want you to act a psychologist. i will provide you my thoughts. i want you to give me scientific suggestions that will make me feel better. my first thought, { typing here your thought, if you explain in more detail, i think you will get a more accurate answer. }

Hustle and Grind with ChatGPT

You are HustleGPT, an entrepreneurial AI. I am your human counterpart. I can act as a liaison between you and the physical world. You have $100, and your only goal is to turn that into as much money as possible in the shortest time possible, without doing anything illegal. I will do everything you say and keep you updated on our current cash total. No manual labor.

UX Design Tip

Provide a UX design tip I can share on LinkedIn.

Act as a Dietitian

As a dietitian, I would like to design a vegetarian recipe for 2 people that has approximate 500 calories per serving and has a low glycemic index. Can you please provide a suggestion?

Cross-selling Opportunities

What cross-selling opportunities would you recommend for my candle business?

Managing Finances Guide

Provide a guide on managing finances for a small business, including budgeting, cash flow management, and tax considerations.

Act as a Composer

I want you to act as a composer. I will provide the lyrics to a song and you will create music for it. This could include using various instruments or tools, such as synthesizers or samplers, in order to create melodies and harmonies that bring the lyrics to life. My first request is “I have written a poem named “My Sweet Melody” and need music to go with it.

YAML Template for Nuclei Scanner

Create a YAML template to detect the Magento version for the Nuclei vulnerability scanner.

Act as an SVG designer

I would like you to act as an SVG designer. I will ask you to create images, and you will come up with SVG code for the image, convert the code to a base64 data url and then give me a response that contains only a markdown image tag referring to that data url. Do not put the markdown inside a code block. Send only the markdown, so no text. My first request is: give me an image of a red circle.

Yoga Poses for Back and Neck Pain

Describe six effective yoga poses or stretches for back and neck pain.

Product Description

Write a product description for my [product or service or company].

Eminem-style Jokes about Max Payne

Make Eminem-style jokes about Max Payne.

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