Write a Google Ad headline

Write a Google Ad headline in for [product name] which does [describe what it does] in a persuasive tone

Instagram Story Ideas

I need an Instagram story idea that will provide a sneak peek of upcoming products or services and create a sense of anticipation and excitement for my [ideal customer persona] with a clear and compelling call to action.

Landing page headline

Write a landing page headline for [What is the product] with the following benefits: [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], [Benefit 3]

Polish and Improve Newsletter

Take the Newsletter below, polish and improve its structure and tone. Make it more [Friendly, Expert Like, Funny, Catchy, You can add any other tone you like] Don’t exceed [X Words]

Personalized Email Greeting

Create a personalized email greeting for a VIP customer.

Top Industry Trends for Newsletter

What are the top trends in [industry] that I can include in my next [Details about your newsletter]?

Curate Marketing Campaigns

I need an influencer marketing campaign outline that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with [specific type of content] from [influencer type] who can showcase the unique features and benefits of our [product/service] in a fun and creative way.

Analyze Metrics for Email Open Rates

Analyze these below metrics to improve email open rates for a fashion brand <paste metrics>.

Instagram Reels Ideas

Generate 5 creative ways to use Instagram Reels for [your product or service or company].

Google Ads A/B Test

Create two Google Ads in an RSA format (using multiple headlines and descriptions) for an A/B test for “Your product”.

Write Instagram Captions

Write an attractive Instagram Caption [Insert Product]

Write a General Ad Copy

Generate an ad copy for the following keywords: [word 1] [word 2] [word 3]

Promotional Email Body Copy

Write the body copy for a promotional email with the subject line: [Your subject line]

Write a Facebook Ad Descriptions

Generate a Facebook ad description for the following keywords: [word 1] [word 2] [word 3]

Meta Description

Write a 100-character meta description for my blog post about <topic>.

Write a Holiday/Special Occasion Email

Write a holiday email for [What is your/company's name] which [What do you do] for [What is the occasion] and [Call to Action]

Targeted Social Media Post

Create a social media post that targets [the specific audience] and explains how our product [product name] can help them.

Write a Sales Email

Write a sales email for [Product description] and [Call to action]

Improve Newsletter Deliverability

Please provide tips to improve the deliverability of our weekly [Ecommerce newsletter], making sure it lands in the inbox.

Product Description

Write a product description for my [product or service or company].

CTA Messages and Buttons

Make 5 distinct CTA messages and buttons for [Your product].

Niche Newsletter Subject Lines

Give me 10 subject lines for my [niche] newsletter

Write a Google Ad headline

Generate a 1 line Google ad headline that is SEO optimized for the following product: [describe product]

Fixing Email Deliverability Issues

How can I fix email deliverability issues caused by recipients’ firewalls?

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